- Saturday 11/07/2020
- NEWFANE United Methodist Church, 2699 Main St, NEWFANE NY 14108
- 12-2p
- drive-thru only
Please enter NUMC via the Main St entrance, ” pop” your trunk, and we will gratefully remove your donations.
The first 40 cars will get a free quart of chili!
Due to the Covid-19/Corona Virus Pandemic, we will be following all recommended protocols of social distancing, and ask you to also.
Thank you for helping support your friends and neighbors during this unprecedented time.
Needed Items:
- Meal in a can (Ravoli, Beef Stew, etc.)
- Thanksgiving Foods:
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Fruit
- Gravy
- Instant Potatoes
- Stufing Mix
- Canned Cranberry Jelly